Monday, January 13, 2014

Mike Tyson's meet-and-greet with Las Vegas PAL youngsters a huge hit

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Mike Tyson was center of attention last Saturday at Barry's Boxing Center in Las Vegas

(Photo by Steve Lott / Iron Mike Productions)

LAS VEGAS (January 13, 2014) -- Hall of Famer Mike Tyson had a brilliant amateur career in the 1980's.  Now a professional boxing promoter for Iron Mike Productions (IMP), the youngest world heavyweight champion of all-time still has a burning passion for amateur boxing.

Tyson thought it would be fun to workout with kids from the Police Athletic League in Las Vegas.  The Las Vegas Metro Police Department was thrilled the "Iron" Mike would take time from his busy schedule to meet their PAL youngsters and arranged for two visits this past Saturday.

First stop was Richard Steele Boxing Club in North Las Vegas.  Kids and officers lined up and went through slipping-and-weaving techniques, followed by turns on the heavy bag, all under Mike's watchful eyes.

At Barry's Boxing Center, another group of eager kids and officers lined up to try the same defensive techniques the late, great trainer Cus D'Amato had instilled in Tyson when he was a teenager.

Tyson was quite impressed by everyone's hard work.  Judging from the bright smile on his face, the former champ appeared to be the happiest person in both gyms.

"I would love to work with kids like this in a gym I hope to have one day," Mike said.

Tyson presented each attending youngster with a Footlocker gift certificate and training DVD.

Go online to for more information about Tyson or follow him on Twitter @MikeTyson.

ABOUT IRON MIKE PRODUCTIONS (IMP): Founded in 2013 by CEO Garry Jonas and Hall of Famer Mike Tyson, Iron Mike Productions is a full-service boxing promotional company with offices located in Deerfield Beach, Florida and Las Vegas, Nevada. IMP is committed to changing traditional boxing promotion by advocating for its fighters' successes, inside the ring and out, throughout their professional careers and into retirement.

For additional information go online at or follow Iron Mike Productions on Twitter @IronMikeProd.

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